Vietnamese government encourages foreign companies to invest in Vietnamese rubber industry

Vietnam’s Ministry of Trade and Industry announced on Tuesday that it will encourage foreign companies to invest in Vietnam’s rubber industry.
According to the Ministry of Trade and Industry of Vietnam, Vietnam exported 780,000 tons of natural rubber in 2007 with an annual growth rate of 4%. Rubber exports amounted to 1.04 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 2.3%. China, South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore are major importers of natural rubber in Vietnam.

Sheet Metal Laser Cutting

Laser cutting is a process where a material is cut through the use of a laser beam. This can be for small & fine materials or materials with a much greater level of thickness (e.g. metal sheets). The process simply involves the use of a focused laser beam (e.g. pulsed or continuous wave) to cut a wide range of materials to a high level of accuracy, using a process, which is highly repeatable.

The laser beam can easily be programmed to precision cut a diverse range of thicknesses and materials (e.g. metals (including reflective metals such as copper, silver and aluminium) – brass, tungsten, steel, pewter and titanium etc.), gemstones (e.g. diamonds), ceramics, graphic composites, silicon and many types of plastics.

Sheet Metal Laser Cutting,Tube Laser Cutting,Fiber Laser Machine,Tube Laser Cutting, Laser Cutter


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