Japanese air traffic controller may be banned from carrying mobile phones and cameras

According to a report by the Kyodo News Agency, a committee composed of Japanese experts, etc., met at the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport on the 12th to discuss measures for rectification against the previous issue of airline controllers of the Haneda Airport in Japan affixing a blog to the US Presidential Plane Flight Plan. The meeting summed up the plan for rectification. In principle, it is forbidden for regulators to bring private cameras, mobile phones or individuals into the control room. The plan will be submitted to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport next week.

The program also states that "studies should be made to improve confidentiality when browsing a flight plan, such as using IDs to save reading records."

The committee was established in August this year. The flight plan was posted on the blog in September. The meeting also discussed the issue of napping at the Naha Airport's control officer.

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