Four four roll crusher having a high strength and durable due to alloy the rolls named, reflect that the customer has its own four-roll crusher after use for some time the material will be uneven. This may be because the hardness or toughness of the crushed material exceeds the range specified in the instruction manual, or the hammer is severely worn. The strength of the hammer hitting the material will be significantly reduced, causing the broken material to become too large or too small; The discharge port is blocked, resulting in uneven discharge.
Then, the phenomenon of electric jump in the use of the four-roll crushing machine may be caused by uneven feeding speed or large foreign matter and debris entering the crusher.
China Mineral Processing Technology Network reminds everyone to pay attention to the operation of the machine at all times. If problems are encountered, it is necessary to stop the maintenance in time or to help the technicians of the crusher manufacturers.
Saw Blade Pipe Cutting Machine
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